List Detail

High School Class of 2000

The names below are a comprehensive list of all who were members of this class at one time, whether you attended just a year or if you attended five or more years. If your name is not listed but should be, please let us know by sending us an email. It is quite possible your name is listed with another class.

Even if we have a good address, please fill out the form on the sidebar to confirm your class year and email address. Thank you!
Joshua Abbott
Jamey Angerer
John Askey
Jarrett Balberchak
Andrea Barber
Tommy Barnum
Jessica Baylor
Joanna Beall
Breanna Bibeau*
Aldric Borders
Will Boyton*
Joel Brinson
Matthew Browning
Brent Carr
Christopher Causseaux*
Joey Charron
Jack Clark
Jelani Clement
Merrett Clements
Lynn Colbert Blais*
Lauren Colonna*
Roman Cooks
Jennie Coxen
Meredith Crapps
Sara Cummings*
Elaine Daniel
Kia Davis
Jeffrey DeLilla
Omari Downing
Hansell Dukes
Sara Dunlap*
Allison Dunley
Stephen Dyal*
Joanna Eubanks*
Matthew Evans
Rosemary Farrell
Christina Finch
Mason Franscona
Thomas Freeland*
Holly Fuqua
Lance Gridley*
Elizabeth Hamersley
Ashley Hemphill
Christie Hittinger
Sarah Beth Holton
Matthew Hopstetter
Barbara Huntley
Heather Hutchinson
Kelly James
Michael Jordan
Marie Kaempfer
Elisa Koehler
Billy Lambert*
Jessica Lang
Cody Langston*
Ryan LeBoeuf
Will Mickler
Elisha Miller
Anthony Mills
Melissa Montgomery
Kaliso Myers
Teresa Natoli
Jackie O’Duor
Lauren Pelley
Ashley Perry
Craig Pittman
Patricia Quinsey
Emily Regan
Aden Reese
Justin Rhodes
Larry Omar Rivers*
Rebecca Roberts
B.J. Ross
Richard Samples
JoAnn Schmalfuss*
Lauren Smith
Aron Stephens
Roman Suarez
Vickery Suber
Mimi Suber
Joanne TerLow
Lennon Thiel
Nicholas Thornton*
Ashley Townsend
Lindsay Walsh
Lucas Watkins
Justin White
Heather Wiley*
Natalie Dawn Williams*

*Have a current address